We also touch upon the new Settlements feature of Fallout 4, which is helpful for a number of the early quests. Many of our tips will be familiar to Fallout fans, but a refresher never hurts. Whatever your experience level, our Beginner's guide is a primer on how to make the most of your time during the initial hours of your playthrough. In this guide, we'll help you navigate your way through Vault-Tec Workshop. Run Vault-Tec approved experiments and decide what kind of Overseer you want to be. This is also the first Workshop add-on to have quests. Clean bed linens and new toilets for all! This downloadable content allows you to build and manage your own vault, Vault 88, and comes with many new vault-related structures and items. Setscale : It increases the size of your target or yourself based on the indicated number.It's time to go underground with Fallout 4's Vault-Tec Workshop. But the fall damage from high jumps will kill you. Setgs fJumpHeightMin : It allows you to change jump height on the basis of the inserted number. It works for any items, only if you know the item ID. Player.additem : It is a command formula to add items to inventory based on the quantity indicated by the inserted number. Player.forceav carryweight : It increases carry capacity by the indicated number. tav speedmult : A multiplier is added to your running speed based on the inserted number. Resurrect : It resurrects the creature indicated. Kill : It kills the creature of the ID indicated. Killall: This command kills off everyone in the surrounding area but for companions and other important characters. Hence, you’d better to make a backup save before trying this command. Nevertheless, once you revert back, your character seems to revert to the default character, which means you will potentially lose your face and hair customizations. Sexchange: It gives you a character sex change. Tdetect: It causes AI to no longer detect you.Ĭoc qasmoke: It can teleport you to a hazy and dreamlike room with a series of boxes that include all items in the game. Keep in mind that this command will stop you from seeing the command console.Ĭaqs: It can finish all steps of the primary quest. Tm: It toggles the UI and HUD off and on.

Tfc: It activates the flycam, which is perfect for aerial screenshots. Tai: It turns off AI and causes all characters to become immobile with blank expressions.

Tgm: God mode, used for complete invulnerability. In this section, some commonly used Fallout 4 console commands will be listed.

Read More Frequently Used Fallout 4 Console Commands