Unlike the RTSs mentioned above, the structures we build do not have to be in their immediate vicinity, because they are connected by special pipelines, ensuring a constant supply of the necessary materials. Our main task is to expand the base, allowing for efficient exploitation of valuable deposits of raw materials and defense against opponents trying to take over our territories.

The general assumptions of the game do not differ significantly from the schemes set out by popular strategies like Command & Conquer or Z. The player takes on the role of the leader of one of these groups. Soon, therefore, using alien technology, the factions stood together in a murderous race for the primacy of colonization of the new, resource-rich planets. Each of them had an advantage over the others in at least one of the many military or economic aspects.

Thanks to the help of foreign races, life moved to a giant ship drifting in space, where, over time, as a result of internal conflicts, humanity divided into 8 rival factions. The story told in the game takes place in a distant future, when, after exhaustion of the Earth's natural resources, mankind was forced to leave its home planet.